‘Reasonable questions’ surround Trump’s purchase of Scottish properties

‘Reasonable questions’ surround Trump’s purchase of Scottish properties

Donald Trump

There are “reasonable questions” around the money used by Donald Trump to buy his properties in Scotland and the continuing source of the wealth used to finance them, a court has been told.

A judge in a case on the Scottish government’s refusal to pursue an unexplained wealth order (UWO) into the former US president’s business was told that the money for Mr Trump’s golf resorts was being “funnelled in from elsewhere outside the UK from apparently unlimited funds”.

The case has been brought to the Court of Session by Avaaz, a US-based non-profit activism organisation, after MSPs rejected calls to pursue an UWO.

The so-called ‘McMafia’ order lets authorities target foreign officials suspected of corruption. It forces owners of assets to disclose their wealth. Where a legitimate source of the wealth cannot be proven, the authorities can seek seizure of the property through the courts.

Aidan O’Neill QC, for Avaaz, said that the government’s refusal to confirm or deny any ongoing investigation into Mr Trump or his Scottish businesses was “contrary to good governance”.

He said questions around the financing of the properties related to not just how they were bought but also maintenance costs and the “ongoing loss” registered.

The case continues.

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