Record trainee numbers as Harper Macleod welcomes new generation

Harper Macleod has welcomed 20 new trainees to the firm – its biggest ever intake.
The 20 new trainees will join a variety of teams across Scotland including banking & finance, commercial property, corporate, commercial & regulatory, dispute resolution, public sector, private client, renewable energy and rural property.
At the same time as the new trainees joining, the firm also congratulated six newly qualified solicitors who have just completed their two-year traineeships.
Martin Darroch, chief executive of Harper Macleod, said: “Welcoming new colleagues and celebrating achievements is a rewarding point in our year. We’ve always taken our responsibility to the next generation of lawyers extremely seriously. As one of Scotland’s largest independent firms, we have a duty to support their development.
“At the same time, we’ve always placed great emphasis on a “grow your own” approach and Harper Macleod being a place of opportunity for all. Every business needs to take a look at its people not just for today, but for tomorrow. Today’s trainees will be tomorrow’s leaders.”
Earlier this year, Harper Macleod was accredited with gold status from both Investors in People and Investors in People, the highest standard for people management.
Over the last 10 years, Harper Macleod has taken on 90 Modern Apprentices including 20 in the last 12 months. Half of those 90 apprentices are still working for the firm, meaning around 10 per cent of Harper Macleod’s total headcount are either existing Modern Apprentices or are qualified MAs.