Right to food bill lodged at Holyrood

Right to food bill lodged at Holyrood

A bill enshrining in law a right to food has been lodged by Scottish Labour MSP Rhoda Grant.

The Right to Food (Scotland) Bill would also empower the Scottish Food Commission to oversee and report on the operation of the law.

Ms Grant said: “I am delighted to submit my Right to Food Bill. Access to food is a human right, but it is currently being denied to too many people in Scotland. Now more than ever, we need to make the human right to food a reality, enshrined in law.

“Food poverty is a chronic issue that harms so many people.

“At a time when the NHS is under real strain; the health, social and economic costs of poor diet are increasing meaning action is already urgent.

“It is simply wrong that, in Scotland today, children are going hungry, and people are suffering from malnutrition.

“My bill would ensure access to healthy, nutritious food is a human right, underpinned and reinforced by a commitment in law.”

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