Rights watch

Rights watch

A round-up of human rights stories from around the world.

Israel to deport Palestinian lawyer to France - rights group | BBC News

A Palestinian-French human rights lawyer who Israel has stripped of his Jerusalem residency is at imminent risk of deportation, an Israeli group says.

Russian authorities add former Memorial lawyer Ilya Novikov to federal wanted list | Meduza

The Russian Interior Ministry has put a federal warrant out for lawyer Ilya Novikov’s arrest. According to the wanted list on the agency’s official website, the lawyer is the target of a criminal case.

Mexico: Attempted murder of human rights defender Juan Carlos Flores Solís | FIDH

Human rights organizations are concerned about the harassment, surveillance and likely attempted murder of the lawyer and human rights defender Juan Carlos Flores Solís.

Hong Kong court postpones Jimmy Lai trial amid coming legal interpretation by Beijing | South China Morning Post

Hong Kong’s High Court has agreed to postpone media tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying’s national security trial pending a legal interpretation by Beijing on whether overseas lawyers can join such proceedings.

Egypt: Political activists silenced with legal battles | DW

In the case against human rights activist Patrick Zaki, yet another hearing has adjourned — with still no end in sight. Observers see drawn-out court cases as Egypt’s new strategy to exhaust political dissidents.

Sudanese lawyer awarded international human rights prize | Al Taghyeer

The German Friedrich Ebert Foundation awarded Sudanese lawyer and human rights defender, Rifaat Makkawi, its International Prize for Human Rights for 2022.

“Woman, life, freedom!” an activist continues her fight for women’s rights | OHCHR

Mahnaz Parakand is a lawyer and activist from Iran. On the occasion of International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, the OHCHR asked Mahnaz some questions for her to talk about how she stands up for human rights.

Mohammed bin Salman accused of attempt to ‘manipulate’ US court system | The Guardian

A lawyer for Hatice Cengiz, the fiancée of Jamal Khashoggi, has accused Mohammed bin Salman of engaging in an unprecedented and blatant attempt to “manipulate” the US court system in order to “secure impunity” after allegedly ordering the 2018 murder of the journalist.

UN experts call on Saudi Arabia to immediately stop drug executions | Middle East Eye

UN experts have called on Saudi Arabia to immediately halt executions for drug offences and raised concerns about a Jordanian man believed to be at imminent risk of execution.

Philippines: Police and army grilled over opposition to human rights defenders bill | Rappler

Filipino House of Representatives human rights panel chairman Bienvenido Abante raised an eyebrow over the police and military’s resistance to proposals seeking to protect human rights defenders in the country.

Russia bans public discussions of army strategy, troop morale, mobilisation | The Moscow Times

Russian authorities have banned public discussions of a wide range of non-classified military subjects that activists say will effectively prevent the public from learning crucial information about the Armed Forces.

Singapore decriminalises same-sex activity but blocks marriage equality | GCN

With a vote in parliament on Tuesday, Singapore finally lifted the ban on consensual same-sex activity between men, while also passing an amendment to the constitution that effectively blocks the path toward marriage equality.

Indonesia set to make sex outside marriage punishable by jail | The Guardian

Indonesia’s parliament is expected to pass a new criminal code that will penalise sex outside marriage, with a punishment of up to one year in jail, officials have confirmed.

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