Rights watch

A round-up of human rights stories from around the world.

UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia unlawful, court rules

Campaigners have won a legal challenge over the UK government’s decision to allow arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which is engaged in the war in Yemen.

Gay refugees sent back to ‘homophobic Kenya camp’

Kenya’s government has ordered a group of 76 refugees to return to a camp they had fled after some of them faced homophobic attacks, a UN agency says.

Philippines: Spate of Killings of Leftist Activists

(New York) ­ The Philippine government should promptly and impartially investigate the recent spate of killings of leftist activists, Human Rights Watch said today. From June 15 to 17, 2019, unidentified gunmen fatally shot four members of leftist organizations. A labor organizer was also killed on June 2.

Threats to human rights rising in Poland, ombudsman says

WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland’s crisis over the rule of law also poses a growing threat to human rights in the European Union’s biggest ex-communist member, the country’s ombudsman for human rights said.

UN: Expert Seeks Criminal Probe of Khashoggi Murder

(Geneva) – The United Nations expert’s call for justice for the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi should lead to the creation of a comprehensive system to monitor Saudi rights abuses, Human Rights Watch said.

Argentinian army officer on trial for Junta murders after he was discovered on holiday in Sicily

An former Argentinian army officer on trial for murder, torture and forced disappearances, has been found holidaying in Sicily.

Half of Britons say we should only trade with those respecting human rights

The opinion comes in response to a survey of 17,000 people in 24 countries that also showed the US is seen as one of the countries most likely to use its power for bad purposes.

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