Royal Proclamation read by Lord Lyon for dissolution of Westminster parliament

Dr Joe Morrow, Lord Lyon King of Arms, formerly of Westwater Advocates and Sir Crispin Agnew QC, as Rothesay Herald took part in the ceremonial reading of the Royal Proclamation by the Lord Lyon this week, which dissolved the Westminster parliament.
In a ceremony, which dates back to before the Union of 1707, the Lord Lyon King of Arms read a proclamation summoning a new UK parliament which was signed by HM the Queen at Windsor Castle at a meeting of thePrivy Council earlier in the day.
Parliament automatically dissolved on that day in accordance with the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011, the first such occasion that a dissolution has not be effected by Royal Prerogative.
The ceremony took place at 3 pm at the Mercat Cross on Edinburgh’s historic Royal Mile. The Lord Lyon was accompanied by the Sheriff Clerk representing the Sheriff Principal of Lothian and Borders, the Returning Officer for Edinburgh, Her Majesty’s Officers of Arms and the State Trumpeters of Scotland.
A Guard of Honour from The Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion, theRoyal Regiment of Scotland, and the Pipes and Drums of The Royal Regiment of Scotland, were also present.
Photographs courtesy of Christina Ballantyne (Photo: Sir Crispin – centre, Dr Morrow – far right).