Rules on transfer of support needs tribunal to Scottish system out for consultation

Rules on transfer of support needs tribunal to Scottish system out for consultation

Scotland’s tribunals that hear appeals against education authority decisions regarding educational support are to be transferred to the Scottish Tribunals system under new regulations currently out for consultation.

the Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland (ASNTS) will transfer into the Scottish Tribunals on 30 November this year.

The regulations governing the transfer, as well as the procedure rules and those on membership are now out for consultation.

First instance decisions will be heard in the First-tier Tribunal Health & Education Chamber with appeals going to the Upper Tribunal.

Under the draft regulations, the president of the ASNTS will become chamber president of the First-tier Tribunal Health & Education Chamber while conveners will become legal members of the tribunal.

Other ASNTS members will become ordinary members of the tribunal.

Access the consultation here. The deadline for responses is 1 August 2017.

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