Saudi Arabia executing people at ‘horrifying rate’

Maya Foa

Saudi Arabia has carried out its 100th execution this year, with almost 60 people killed in the last three months alone, marking a significant increase in the rate of executions during 2017.

At current rates, the Kingdom could match the record rate of executions seen in 2015.

This total number of people executed since the start of 2014 stands at 499. A tenth of those were convicted of protest-related offences and more than a third were convicted of non-violent drug offences.

There are currently 17 young men facing imminent execution for protest-related offences in Saudi Arabia including Ali al-Nimr who was 17 years old when he was sentenced to death by beheading; Munir al-Adam who is half-deaf and partially blind and has been tortured and Mujtaba al-Sweikat who was at the airport on his way to study in the US when he was arrested.

Maya Foa, director of Reprieve, said: “The Saudi regime, led by King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, have continued their appalling campaign of repression with peaceful protestors and innocent children being executed at a horrifying rate.

“Talk of reform and opening up to the world is a smokescreen to cover up these terrible human rights abuses that are being inflicted daily.

“Responsible leaders in Europe, the United States and around the world need to use their close ties to the Saudi Royal family to demand an end to this unacceptable brutality.”

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