SCBA supports addiction charity

Defence counsel are used to helping disadvantaged people who find themselves in the dock, and now they have extended their support beyond the courtroom.
The Scottish Criminal Bar Association (SCBA) has decided that its annual donation to charity should go this year to The Haven, which provides a residential programme for men with alcohol or drug addictions at a purpose-built facility in Inverclyde.
The vast majority of residents of The Haven have some experience of the criminal justice system, and the SCBA felt it was a particularly appropriate charity to help, with a donation of £800.
Claire Mitchell, SCBA president, said: “Members of the SCBA frequently represent those who have become involved in the criminal justice system due to addictions. All contributions to those tackling addiction help to cut crime.”
Advocate Edith Forrest, who has supported the charity for a number of years, added: “A number of SCBA members have seen first-hand the tremendous difference The Haven has made to the lives of those they represent.”
More information about The Haven can be found at