School Mock Court Case Project seeks volunteer tutors

School Mock Court Case Project seeks volunteer tutors

The School Mock Court Case Project (SCIO) is looking for lawyer volunteers.

SCIO provides educational programmes in which students get the opportunity to learn about legal rights and citizenship through realistically enacted mock court trials.

This is achieved through the volunteer tutoring conducted by solicitors and advocates who provide guidance to the participating students on drafting pleadings, lodging productions and examining witnesses.

Tutors will be provided with all educational materials, guides and access to the online portal with all relevant materials, deadlines, and contact details. The required level of commitment will vary on what programme they choose to volunteer for: juniors or seniors.

The juniors’ programme, which takes place throughout Scotland, is targeted at P6-P7 students. It consists of three tutoring sessions of 60-90 minutes each. These tutorials are conducted during school hours, so the tutor in question will travel to their allocated school for these occasions. The specific time and date for these tutorials are flexible as they are agreed upon by the tutor and the school but must take place within specific weeks.

The seniors’ programme is much more academically rigorous, consisting of seven weekly tutorials of 90 minutes each, and is appropriate for students in S1-S3. These tutorials usually take place between 4:30pm-6pm on Wednesdays, either at venues provided by the University of Edinburgh, or virtually.

One tutor, Jill Sinclair, a partner and head of counter fraud at DWF LLP, said: “Being a tutor on the School Mock Court Case Project was an absolutely fantastic experience. Watching primary school children take on roles from court artists to journalists to gown makers and seeing them progress a court action from cradle to grave culminating in a live proof at the High Court was truly inspiring. The inclusive nature of the project ensured that every child had a part to play, making it a memorable and educational journey for everyone involved. I highly encourage others to take part in this project – it’s a very rewarding way to support and nurture young minds and give insight in to life as a litigator.”

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