SCJC publishes May update

The Scottish Civil Justice Council has published its May newsletter
The council met on 14 March to discuss work priorities for the council and its committees. It is intended that drafting priorities for 2016/17 will be agreed at the next meeting on 16 May 2016. These will be incorporated into the Annual Programme which will be produced thereafter.
Ongoing work
• Research – the Council is jointly funding a Scottish Legal Aid Board research project to provide evidence about the drivers and motivations behind the dispute resolution paths chosen by people in dispute and to explore which type of case may be amenable to Alternative Dispute Resolution . The field work for the project has been completed and the report is being finalised for publication.
• Protective Expenses Orders – Lord Malcolm is considering the test and procedure regulating applications under Chapter 58A.
For a full update on the SCJC’s work, download the May update.