Young arbitrators group launched
The Scottish branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) has launched the Young Members Group Committee.
The committee consists of Laura McEwen (chair, CMS); Fiona Menzies (Scottish Arbitration Centre); Jennifer Macdonald (Turcan Connell); Martin Campbell (HKA); Sarah McIvor (Lloyds Banking Group) and Andrew Reid (Cooper & Hall). The committee plans to host regular events targeted at practitioners under the age of 40.
The launch took place at the Scottish Arbitration Centre in Edinburgh, where Ms McEwen spoke on behalf of the new group. Richard Farndale, chairman of the Scottish branch, Brandon Malone, chairman of the Scottish Arbitration Centre, and Camilla Gambarini, co-chair of Young ICCA (the below 40 branch of the International Council on Commercial Arbitration, which will have its congress in Edinburgh in 2020), welcomed the establishment of the committee at the event.
The launch saw a mix of young and experienced practitioners coming together, with CIArb Members and Fellows sharing their experiences during the networking reception.
Ms McEwen said: “In the run up to ICCA 2020, it is an exciting time for the arbitration and dispute resolution community in Scotland. The new committee for the CIArb Young Members Group wants to ensure the opportunities ICCA generates are also enjoyed by junior practitioners. I look forward to developing an events programme and to continuing our collaboration with Young ICCA and the Scottish Arbitration Centre over the coming years.”
Mr Farndale commented: “The Scottish Branch of CIArb has been involved in events for students and young members for some time, led by our Young Members Convenor, Laura McEwen. The Branch is now delighted to launch its new expanded Young Members Committee, and a programme of events for the coming year, as we anticipate exciting developments in the use of ADR including arbitration in Scotland. The Young Members Committee also anticipates Edinburgh as the host for the major conference of the international arbitration community (the International Council for Commercial Arbitration) in 2020 (ICCA 2020).”
Ms Gambarini added: “It is a great pleasure to be in Edinburgh today with many colleagues and new friends. Young ICCA looks forward to collaborating with the Scottish Arbitration Centre and CIArb Scottish Branch to open the doors of international arbitration to local young practitioners interested in this fascinating area of law.”
Andrew Mackenzie, chief executive of the Scottish Arbitration Centre, said: “I congratulate Laura and the new committee, which includes the Centre’s own Fiona Menzies. It has been a pleasure to support Laura with this initiative and to collaborate with CIArb.
“As arbitration work in Scotland increases, the Centre is keen to focus on young practitioners and to promote the opportunities in arbitration for young advocates, solicitors, surveyors and others.
“With ICCA Edinburgh in May 2020, which will include a Young ICCA conference, and the international arbitration community now focused on Scotland, we must capitalise on this opportunity and engage with young practitioners now to ensure there is a legacy for them post-ICCA 2020.”