Scotland’s lawyers vote overwhelmingly in favour of People’s Vote on final Brexit deal

Scotland's lawyers vote overwhelmingly in favour of People's Vote on final Brexit deal

Scotland’s lawyers have voted overwhelmingly, by over 76 per cent, in favour of a “People’s Vote” on the final Brexit deal.

Exactly 750 respondents took part in a poll by Scottish Legal News, the daily news service for Scottish lawyers, which was held on Thursday and Friday last week.

The arguments for and against a “People’s Vote” were respectively put by Mark Lazarowicz, advocate, former Labour MP and chair of the European Movement in Scotland, and Gordon Lindhurst, advocate and Conservative MSP.

Readers were asked simply: “Should there be a ‘People’s Vote’ on the final Brexit deal?” Of the 750 replies, 76.5 per cent (or 573 respondents) were in favour of a second vote, while only 23.5 per cent voted against it.

SLN editor Graham Ogilvy said: “The results of our poll reflect the concern felt by most Scottish lawyers at the sorry saga that is unfolding before our eyes.

“They are deeply worried about the economic, social, constitutional and political consequences of a major upheaval like leaving the EU and customs union.

“The potential ramifications are endless and there is concern that these have not been properly thought through – or truthfully put to the British people.”


Scotland's lawyers vote overwhelmingly in favour of People's Vote on final Brexit deal


Advocate Mark Lazarowicz added: “This is a very welcome survey of Scotland’s legal community, showing an overwhelming majority in favour of a People’s Vote.

“Polls show that most people in Scotland and across the UK want an opportunity to vote on the chaotic reality of Brexit, and would vote in favour of the deal we have inside the EU.

“Scotland voted to stay in the EU much more decisively than the UK as a whole voted Leave. Being in Europe is good for Scotland, and a People’s Vote is a democratic opportunity for Scotland’s wishes to be respected.”

Joanna Cherry QC, MP for Edinburgh South West and a member of the Exiting the EU Select Committee told SLN: “Many Scots lawyers will have been aghast at the Brexit process, its effect on the powers of the Scottish Parliament and UK governments legal gazumping of the Scottish government’s Continuity Bill.

“I am not surprised to see such an overwhelming poll in favour of a second EU referendum within the legal community.

“The SNP are the only major party to come out in favour of a People’s Vote and I have been proud to have been at the forefront of the campaign.”

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