Scottish Arbitration Centre hosts flurry of events
The energy conference, Contract Strategy for the Energy Industry: Drilling through the turmoil, was held on Wednesday and, supported by RICS, focussed on the implications of Brexit on decommissioning, contract risk, performance and dispute resolution clauses, as well as a look a Scots and English law approaches.
The ArbitralWomen breakfast seminar was also a joint event with the centre, entitled “Differences in the practice of international arbitration in the UK”. The event was the first of its kind to be held in Scotland since the establishment of this prestigious international arbitration body.
Event chair Rashda Rana SC, president of ArbitralWomen, said: “As we work towards ICCA 2020, I hope awareness and the take-up of international arbitration in Scotland will increase exponentially. It is an ideal place to become the next hub for international dispute resolution services.”
The centre also held its fifth annual arbitrator training day. The event, which was sponsored by HKA and supported by 20 Essex Street, RICS and ICC UK, saw around 50 delegates from various professions attend the event, including an increased number of delegates from outwith Scotland.
Andrew Mackenzie, chief executive of the centre, said: “It has been a busy couple of days at the centre with these popular events bringing in local and international practitioners, who all enjoyed learning about the Scottish system and sharing experiences in international cases.”
He added: “We also welcome the Judicial Office for Scotland’s decision to establish a new court user group focused on arbitration. Given there are only two other such groups, one for commercial matters and one for personal injury cases, it emphasises the importance the court in Scotland places on ensuring its approach to arbitration remains supportive.
“This positive measure by the court is an important step in ensuring Scotland is viewed as an attractive seat for both domestic and international arbitration.”