Scottish Civil Justice Council publishes annual report

Lord Carloway

The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) has now published its third Annual Report outlining its achievements, accounts and a summary of the rules prepared during the year.

The council chair, Lord Carloway said: “During the course of the past year, the council has supported historic reform to civil justice in Scotland and taken significant steps towards delivering a modernised and efficient system.

“The council has assumed a number of new responsibilities to support the substantial changes which are re-shaping the justice landscape in Scotland.

“One of its new functions includes the task of reviewing how inquiries into fatal accidents and sudden deaths are carried out. The council has also supported the creation of a new Scottish court with the launch of the Sheriff Appeal Court.”

He added: “Other significant developments have included the provision of a framework for simple procedure to offer user-friendly rules which are easily accessible to the public; a specialist personal injury court, and the use of e-motions. These all come alongside the emergence of a new structure to accommodate tribunals dealing with devolved matters.

“All of these weighty achievements and ongoing developments require a high level of commitment and professionalism from members who continue to ensure that reform is implemented effectively – taking the civil justice system forward into the modern era.”

The report also covers the council’s engagement events, including a Winter Tour held in November and December when three, informal sessions were provided to explain more fully court reform rules to both staff and court users.

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