Scottish Civil Justice Council sets up new FAI group

The Scottish Civil Justice Council (SCJC) has set up a new working group to take forward legislative changes to inquiries into fatal accidents and sudden deaths.
Nominations were sought for membership appointments and considered by the Lord President. The working group comprises:
The Inquiries into Fatal Accidents and Sudden Deaths etc. (Scotland) Act 2016received Royal Assent on 14 January 2016. The 2016 act takes forward many of the recommendations from Lord Cullen’s Review which reported in 2009. The previous act is repealed and the provisions of the 2016 act set out the framework within which the inquiry rules will add the necessary detail.
Legislative changes brought about by the 2016 act, now confer responsibility upon the SCJC for the review of practice and procedure followed in inquiry proceedings, including the drafting of inquiry procedure rules.
As this is a new policy area, the SCJC agreed to establish a working group to take forward this work. The group’s remit is to consider the secondary legislation required to facilitate implementation of the act and to make proposals for draft inquiry procedure rules for consideration by the council.