Scottish government presses Trade Union Bill exclusion

Roseanna Cunningham

Fair Work Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has confirmed that a further memorandum on the UK government’s Trade Union Bill has been lodged with the Scottish Parliament.

The general policy memorandum is for consideration by the Further Powers Committee on how the legislation will impact Scotland, paving the way for a parliamentary debate in the new year.

The move follows the legislative consent motion lodged last week.

Ms Cunningham said: “Last month’s Scottish parliamentary debate on the Trade Union Bill confirmed that there is clear opposition to this draft legislation in Scotland.

“There is little or no evidence to support its proposals and the UK government has made no attempt to consider the bill’s impact in Scotland and in particular on our public services. Our requests to be excluded from the bill have also been ignored and the First Minister raised the issue with the Prime Minister earlier this week.

“While we are disappointed by the Scottish Parliament’s views on the legislative consent motion lodged last week, we still believe that it is essential that the Scottish Parliament is able to express its opposition to this poorly thought out piece of legislation in the clearest possible terms to the UK government.

“The memorandum now sent for consideration by the Devolution (Further Powers) Committee will provide an opportunity to do this, to be followed by a debate by the whole Parliament.

“The only way to truly protect workers in Scotland is through the full devolution of trade union powers. This bill could do untold damage to employees’ rights.”

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