Scottish government says Withdrawal Bill amendments ‘undermine devolution’

Michael Russell

The UK government’s amendments to the EU Withdrawal Bill make it “crystal clear in terms never seen before that the Scottish Parliament can be over-ridden by the UK government”, if the Parliament decides not to give consent to an order constraining its powers, Brexit minister Michael Russell (pictured) has said.

He said the amendments allow the UK government to stop Holyrood passing laws in devolved areas for up to seven years without securing its agreement, “undermining devolution”.

Mr Russell commented: “These amendments will make it easier than ever before for the UK government to constrain the Scottish Parliament and undermine devolution.

“This bill allows the UK government to prevent the Scottish Parliament legislating to protect farmers, our fishing communities, the environment, and a range of other devolved policy areas for up to seven years.

“Bizarrely, a vote by the Parliament expressly refusing to have its powers constrained in this way will actually be the trigger the UK government needs to constrain those very same powers.”

He added: “We will continue to talk with the UK Government to see if a solution can be agreed. That can either be a removal of clause 11 so that all the governments of the UK proceed on the basis of trust and agreement or the EU Withdrawal Bill can be amended so that the consent of the Scottish Parliament is required before the powers of the Parliament can be constrained.”


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