Civil society organisations call on MSPs to voice support for human rights bill

Civil society organisations call on MSPs to voice support for human rights bill

More than 50 organisations have signed an open letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf warning that plans for a Scottish Human Rights Bill must not be watered down.

Civil society organisations and community groups also asked MSPs to express their support for the bill and to address their concerns by asking for a clear timetable for its legislative progress, cross-party support for its implementation, and a broader legislative approach within devolved powers to expand its scope.

Kaukab Stewart MSP said: “The past year has been a stark example of atrocities abroad, and measures being taken by the UK government, such as the pursuit of their Rwanda deportation policy, comes with it serious concerns for the protection, safety, and dignity of those who are targeted by it.”

Mhairi Snowden, director, Human Rights Consortium Scotland added: “There is huge support for the upcoming Human Rights Bill across Scottish civil society. It is brilliant that the UNCRC Bill has finally passed.

“Now we’re asking the first minister to keep his foot on the pedal because, right now, human rights are still just ‘words’ on paper for many people. It is time to put all our rights into law for everyone, so that they increasingly become more of a tangible reality.”

“We have a UK government intent on rolling back rights protections, so progressive action on human rights from the Scottish government is not only welcome but vital,” said Liz Thomson, advocacy manager at Amnesty Scotland.”

Emma Hutton, CEO at JustRight Scotland, commented: “We need a clear legal framework which embeds international human rights within domestic law and drives transformative and positive change for all people across Scotland.”

She continued: “This includes the substantive international human right to an accessible, affordable, timely and effective remedy to improve access to justice and break barriers, so that individuals can claim their rights, understand them and access them.”

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