Scottish Legal Aid Board videos now available in British Sign Language
Videos giving information on criminal, civil and children’s legal aid are now available on the Scottish Legal Aid Board’s website in British Sign Language (BSL).
The translated videos produced by Deaf Action correspond to information available in printed leaflets and on the website.
They give details on four main topics and are split into bitesize segments to help users find the information most relevant to them.
Each video is signed by a translator, and also has subtitles and a voiceover (to allow non-BSL speakers who would prefer to listen to this information also make use of this resource).
The videos cover:
Colin Lancaster, chief executive of SLAB, said: “The production of these videos is a key part of our work on equality and diversity, specifically that people have equal access to information when they need it.
“We hope these videos prove to be a valuable resource for the deaf community and wider public, should they ever need to find out more about legal aid.”
SLAB’s website is also enabled for Browsealoud, which can translate content and documents into different languages, read it aloud and allow users to download this as an mp3.