Scottish Legal News Annual Review 2016 call for articles

Graham Ogilvy

Preparations for next year’s edition of Scottish Legal News Annual Review 2016 are now well underway.

Nine thousand copies of the full colour glossy magazine will be distributed free of charge among Scotland’s legal profession early in the New Year and the 100 plus pages will be packed with articles you won’t want to miss.

If you would like to contribute an article (850 words for one page and 1600 words for two pages) please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the editor Graham Ogilvy.

Graham Ogilvy said: “Once again, we will be showcasing some of Scotland’s best legal talent through a range of incisive and interesting articles.

“Contributors are welcome to get in touch, and we are seeking more articles for our commercial law, family law, public law and property law sections.”

Graham can be contacted at and looks forward to hearing your suggestions.

Make sure you receive your free copies of SLN Annual Review 2016 by contacting circulation manager Jim Ross at

If you wish to enquire about advertising in SLN Annual Review 2016, contact Jeff Anderson at

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