Scottish ministers told to ‘come clean’ on indyref2 legal advice

Scottish ministers told to 'come clean' on indyref2 legal advice

Scottish ministers have received calls to “come clean” on legal advice on whether Holyrood has the power to legislate for another independence referendum, The Scotsman reports.

The calls follow the publication of certain legal advice related to ‘indyref2’, published yesterday afternoon.

The advice details that ministers believe they have the power to test the 2014 independence referendum question and that they are able to make preparations before another vote.

But the disclosure does not state whether the government has been advised if legislating for a second independence referendum is intra vires.

Scottish Labour’s constitution spokesperson, Sarah Boyack, said the Scottish government should “come clean once and for all”.

She said: “This is a rare win for transparency against this secretive SNP government, but this advice leaves the big questions unanswered.”

Ministers were forced to publish the advice after the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) found in favour of The Scotsman, which had sought publication of the advice.

Ms Boyack added: “Whether they are withholding crucial information or simply haven’t bothered to ask about competency, this fiasco speaks to something badly wrong at the heart of the SNP.

“Another referendum is the SNP’s answer to every question under the sun, so the public shouldn’t be kept in the dark on the legality of it.”

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