Scottish Women’s Rights Centre joins FLSU list of accredited agencies

A recently-established organisation aimed at improving access to justice for women in Scotland is the latest body to form a link with the Faculty of Advocates’ pro bono service.
The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre (SWRC) has joined a list of 30 partner agencies accredited by the Free Legal Services Unit at the Faculty which provides access to justice in deserving cases for people who don’t have access to legal aid or other funding.
Organisations through which applications for assistance to the FLSU are made include The Scottish Child Law Centre, The Royal British Legion Scotland, the Royal National Institute for the Blind, the National Gulf War Veterans and Families Association and Citizens Advice Scotland.
The SWRC was launched in April this year with the aim of ensuring that women in Scotland who have suffered or are suffering from gender-based violence are able to get access to timely and appropriate legal advice and information.
It offers legal advice and information on a range of areas including harassment and stalking, housing and welfare, residence and contact of children where there has been gender-based violence, victims’ rights in criminal justice proceedings and criminal injuries compensation.
The centre is a partnership involving Rape Crisis Scotland, the University of Strathclyde and the Legal Service Agency with a helpline staffed by volunteers from the University of Strathclyde Law Clinic.
Sandy Brindley, a spokeswoman for Rape Crisis Scotland, said: “The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre is delighted to have secured affiliation with the Free Legal Services Unit at the Faculty.
“This will be of significant benefit in helping us improve access to justice for women in Scotland who have been affected by gender based violence.”
Mungo Bovey QC, FLSU convenor, said: “The Faculty is pleased to recognise the important work of the centre and add it to our pro bono unit.”