Scouts introduce human rights badge in Scotland

Scouts will now be able to work towards obtaining a human rights badge in Scotland.
Cubs and Scouts aged between eight and 14 can undertake challenges towards gaining the badge, the logo for which was designed by 10-year-old Scout, Christopher, from Lenzie in East Dunbartonshire.
The Rights Challenge Badge is intended to help children learn about and understand their rights.
Christopher’s design shows the international human rights dove logo soaring over Earth beside the Scouts symbol.
He said: “I was really excited to come up with a design for a new Scouts badge. I love drawing and design, so thought it would be fun.
“My design put the human rights logo at the centre of the badge, as it is already a recognised symbol. Like every Scout badge, my design has the fleur-de-lis on it.
“I hope all Cubs and Scouts like my design and are all looking forward to earning the Rights Challenge Badge as much as I am.”