SCTS error sees jurors in north east told to go to Inverness

Hundreds of people in the north east were told to travel in excess of 100 miles to Inverness for jury duty because of a mistake by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS).
In total, 250 letters were sent to Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire residents instructing them to appear at the remote jury centre in the Vue cinema at Inverness Retail Park on May 9.
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service said the letters were in fact meant to tell people to appear at their local centre in the Vue in Aberdeen.
The letter read: “You have been selected for jury service. You may be required to attend over several days…If you fail to attend you may be liable to a fine of up to £1,000.”
A spokesperson for the SCTS said: “Jurors cited for Inverness High Court on May 9 had in error been advised the location for attendance would be Inverness Remote Jury Centre instead of Aberdeen Remote Jury Centre.
“Remedial action was taken and a letter issued to all jurors on April 13 advising any required attendance would be at Aberdeen Remote Jury Centre.”