SCTS team named finalists at leading procurement awards

The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) procurement team has been selected as one of the five finalists in the ‘Procurement Team of the Year’ category at GO Awards Scotland.
The nomination highlights how the procurement function at SCTS has developed over the last couple of years and acknowledges a range of excellent initiatives and achievements by the team.
GO Awards Scotland – Scotland’s leading public procurement excellence awards – set out to recognise the achievement and successes of procurement teams from all aspects of the public, private and third sector. The award ceremony will take place in an online event on Friday 6 November 2020.
Head of procurement, Derrick Welsh MCIPS said: “This is a great achievement for SCTS and recognises how far the Procurement Team has come (supported by the Executive Team) in such a short period of time. As you can imagine the whole team are extremely pleased and excited and it is true recognition of a professional, talented and dedicated team.”
Chief finance officer, Richard Maconachie added: “These awards reinforce the importance of strong procurement to the SCTS and the wider public service. For the team to be included in the finals of the GO Awards is a well-deserved recognition of the great leaps the team have made in recent years.”
To see the shortlist, click here.