Search: Me/cfs

1756-1769 of 2146 Articles
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A watered-down bill to protect children's rights has been passed by the Scottish Parliament more than two years after the original version was ruled by the Supreme Court to be beyond the devolved chamber's powers. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) Bill requires

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Scotland’s best known (fictional) advocate is back in action this month in The Scotsman with this year’s month-long Christmas serial Edward Kane and the Supernal Sisters. The story focuses on the popularity of seances and other spirited events in the mid 1900s. Ross Macfarlane KC’s

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Spiking will be clearly defined in English law under UK government plans to protect women and girls from violence and abuse. The forthcoming Criminal Justice Bill will put beyond doubt that spiking is illegal and will be backed with separate guidance, set in law, to provide a clear, unequivocal defi

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CMS has announced it will offer scholarships to support three Scottish pupils in pursuing their dream of a legal career. As part of an annual UK-wide initiative, the CMS Law Scholarships Scheme for Scotland awards £2,500 each year to high-performing state school students from economically chal

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A legal academic at the University of Strathclyde has landed a national book prize. Professor Alan Paterson OBE was awarded the Society of the Inner Temple’s 2015 Book prize by Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal, on 9 December for his book Final Judgment: The Last Law Lords and t

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Four lawyers from Clyde & Co’s Scottish offices are starting 2024 on a high after securing spaces on the firm’s global exchange initiative. The achievement will give them the chance to spend a week working at one of the firm’s international offices, which this year include Bost

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It could be tempting after two decades of establishing a successful reputation in a particular sector of the law to continue to plough the same furrow and enjoy the degree of regularity that brings. Not so for Neil Hay who pivoted, as he puts it, from 20 years working in legal aid defence toward a n

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Caroline Mackintosh has joined Lindsays in Perth after spending almost four years as a solicitor with the Scottish government. The Law Society of Scotland-accredited specialist in child law is also the first new partner to be appointed by Lindsays in Perth since it moved into the city through its me

1756-1769 of 2146 Articles