Search: Me/cfs

1831-1845 of 2146 Articles
Clock icon 7 minutes

John Forsyth John Forsyth discusses the issues surrounding the remit of the Scottish Sentencing Council, which is to be constituted later this year.

Clock icon 6 minutes

Thomas Ross The SLN Spotlight this week falls on Thomas Ross, advocate and president of the Scottish Criminal Bar Association.

Clock icon 5 minutes

On Liberty by Shami Chakrabarti On Liberty, by Shami Chakrabarti is published by Allen Lane, £17.99, pp208.

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An “overstayer” who claimed that his removal from the UK to India would breach his human rights because he was engaged to a British woman has had a petition for judicial review dismissed. A judge in the Court of Session refused a challenge to a ruling that even if the petitioner was in such a re

Clock icon 4 minutes

The English Bridge Union (EBU) has failed in a legal challenge to have the card game recognised as a sport. A judge at the High Court in London ruled that the decision by English Sports Council- a non-departmental public body which provides government and lottery funding for sport in the community -

1831-1845 of 2146 Articles