Search: Me/cfs

1861-1875 of 2146 Articles
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Two concert pianists who argued that they entered into a partnership with an IT expert with a view to creating gay social network applications for profit have had their claim rejected by a judge. The Court of Session ruled that while the parties had a “common intention” to enter into a business

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Douglas Mill A fairly profound development crept under the radar screens of the profession recently.

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The Lord Advocate has been refused permission to appeal to the UK Supreme Court after a British businessman wanted by authorities in Taiwan to serve a prison sentence won a human rights appeal against a decision to extradite him. Zain Dean was sentenced to four years imprisonment after being convict

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A golfer who was seriously injured when he fell into a manhole on a course has had an action for damages against his fellow club members dismissed. Colin Taylor sued the eight members of the executive board at Colville Park Golf Club in Motherwell, not as representatives of the club, but in a person

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A businessman who is suing his solicitors over the loss and damage he claims to have sustained following the sale of part of his interest in a company has been granted a proof in a $210 million action against the firm. A judge in the Court of Session held that the claim by Robert Kidd that he sustai

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Alistair Bonnington In response to the Scottish Parliament's invitation for submissions to the remit of the "Commission on Parliamentary Reform”, lawyer and legal commentator Alistair Bonnington gives MSPs and the Parliament short shrift. The views expressed are Alistair's own!

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A prisoner subject to an order for lifelong restriction (OLR) who claimed his human rights had been breached because he had not been given a “reasonable opportunity” to demonstrate that his continued imprisonment was “no longer necessary for the protection of the public” has had his claim fo

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A nurse who broke her wrist and later developed a debilitating health condition after slipping on a wet hospital floor has been awarded almost £50,000 damages. Kathleen Ann McLeish, 60, was working in the A&E department at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary when she fell on a slippery surface in one of

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A motorist who was sued after she struck a pedestrian suspected of attempting suicide at the time of the accident has been cleared of any liability. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that the pursuer, who could not remember anything about the time of the accident, failed to establish that the dr

1861-1875 of 2146 Articles