Search: Me/cfs

1906-1920 of 2146 Articles
Clock icon 9 minutes

As readers will no doubt be aware, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has applied from 25 May 2018. Six months on, Daradjeet Jagpal carries out an initial appraisal of four key aspects of the GDPR and provides his thoughts on what lies ahead. Transparency

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A woman who emerged from the settlements of one of Africa’s largest cities to help in the fight to rewrite her country’s constitution has been named the first winner of the Scottish Bar International Human Rights Award. Salome Nduta, 47, from Nairobi, Kenya, “stood out from the cro

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A woman who claims she was raped by a former partner and that she was the victim of domestic abuse is suing her ex-boyfriend for damages in a landmark legal case. The action will be heard in the Court of Session after a sheriff ruled that the case raised important matters of “public

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Karyn McCluskey calls for an evidence-led approach towards cutting crime as an alternative to simply building more prisons. I’ve been engaging with lots of great modern studies students and teachers in Scotland. A few students tweeted about their essays on what we should do about the high

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A man who physically abused his wife and failed to contribute to the household finances or assist with raising the couple’s four children has had a claim for financial provision upon divorce rejected by a sheriff. The court granted the pursuer’s application for divorce after finding that

1906-1920 of 2146 Articles