Search: Me/cfs

1951-1965 of 2146 Articles
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Sarah Alexander discusses the case of Babcock Marine (Clyde) Ltd v HS Barrier Coatings Ltd [2019] CSOH 110 and its impact on what an adjudicator needs to do if they use other people (like a QS) when preparing their decision. In December 2019, Scottish Construction Now published an article by Ki

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A Scots lawyer who claimed that the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission acted “ultra vires” in unilaterally raising a complaint against him for has successfully challenged the decision. A judge in the Court of Session ruled that the watchdog, which decided ex proprio motu to make a comp

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Property law can seem boring and unimportant to some people at times. In the face of a crisis, property law often seems decidedly unimportant. People need to live somewhere, though, and opportunistic and/or thoughtless landlords might use a situation of crisis (or be completely or wilfully oblivious

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A developer of commercial wind farms that applied for planning permission for a wind farm within the consultation zone of the Eskdalemuir Seismic Array has succeeded in petitioning the court for a time extension to begin proceedings for judicial review. The planning application of Energiekontor

1951-1965 of 2146 Articles