Search: Me/cfs

2011-2025 of 2146 Articles
Clock icon 6 minutes

A judge in the Outer House of the Court of Session has rejected a defence pled by the Crown in response to an action for damages for wrongful and malicious prosecution brought by a man who was unsuccessfully prosecuted for fraud for his role in the acquisition of Rangers FC by Craig Whyte

Clock icon 7 minutes

Benjamin Bestgen considers the law around espionage in this week's jurisprudential primer. See last week's here. James Bond is a bad spy; a pathological character who’d probably score highly on most psychopathy tests: he is glib, manipulative, self-absorbed, lacking in empathy, unnecessarily v

Clock icon 7 minutes

SLN's Lawyer of the Month for April, Emma Toner, is the first woman editor of Session Cases. This year marks the law reports' bicentenary, on the occasion of which the Scottish Council of Law Reporting is running a poll to determine the most popular of the Session Cases. Nominate your favourite

2011-2025 of 2146 Articles