Search: Me/cfs

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The Spanish government has approved a draft law that would impose fines on companies that leave callers on the phone for more than three minutes. Under the bill, firms will faces fines of between €150 and €10,000, with the figure rising to €100,000 for repeat offenders.

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A man who taunted police on social media with a message reading "catch me if you can" has been jailed for eight years. More than 5,500 people liked 20-year-old Jordan Carr's comment on a post seeking his whereabouts in connection with an aggravated burglary in Bedfordshire, England.

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The former host of TV's Deal Or No Deal has assured Lloyds Banking Group that they "can't beat me on deep pockets" as he continues to seek £300 million from the bank, more than triple his original claim. Noel Edmonds is now in a similar situation to his former contestants, who tried to win as much

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Three American teenagers were arrested after allegedly stealing a goat which one planned to use as part of a joke when asking a girl to his school prom. Jacob Michaels, 17, told police he intended to ask the girl: "Would you goat with me to prom?"

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Police in Winnipeg, Canada were forced to apologise after officers on a helicopter patrol mistakenly broadcast their private conversation over a loudspeaker while flying over the city's west end. One resident told CBC she heard an officer ask "Can you give me a blowjob?".

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Douglas Mill Yes, I know it is Winter, but the profession is not short of troublesome issues and it does give me an excuse to share with you the best advert I ever saw. The outdoor centre beside the Donoghue v Stevenson bench in Paisley (my wonderfully cultured home town) had a sign up a good few ye

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A man has been banned from Twitter after he made a death threat — against a mosquito. The threats began on 20 August after the Japanese man was repeatedly bitten while watching TV.

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A claimant was reprimanded in Dublin Circuit Civil Court after addressing the judge as "love". James Flynn, 46, had been addressing defence counsel Adrianne Fields as "love" but was sharply rebuked when he did the same to Judge Sarah Berkeley.

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A woman sued for defamation by her ex-husband over her claim on Facebook that he “tried to strangle me” has had her appeal unanimously allowed by the Supreme Court on the basis an ordinary reader of the post would have interpreted it as meaning the ex-husband had grasped the woman by the

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A judge has released a CD of original songs he wrote based on his courtroom experiences. Judge Michael Thorpe said song-writing has "helped me think about these folks and deal with them a little differently".

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Police responding to reports of a woman screaming for help were relieved to find the screams were coming from a parrot. A woman called police after hearing screams of "help, help, let me out!" from inside her neighbour's house.

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I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say

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I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely yearsBeen over the edge for yonks

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Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.

46-60 of 2146 Articles