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961-975 of 2146 Articles
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David Wilson MacRoberts' partner David Wilson comes under the SLN Spotlight this week.

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The training, welfare and conduct of members of the Scottish Housing and Property Tribunals have become the responsibility of the Lord President, Lord Carloway (pictured) under changes which came into effect from today. Lord Carloway delegated his responsibility for the efficient disposal of busines

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Ben Emmerson QC The barrister formerly in charge of the independent inquiry into child abuse in England and Wales has been cleared of an allegation of sexual assault following an investigation.

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Families who had been facing a bleak Christmas are now looking forward to the big day, after a ”moving” show of generosity by Faculty of Advocates members and staff. A collection of presents, treats and more than £2,000 in cash was organised by Maria Maguire QC, and a van-load of goods was deli

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The SLN Spotlight falls on Calum Fife (pictured) this week, an associate specialising in insurance law at Weightmans (Scotland) LLP.

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Ruadhán Mac Cormaic’s book on Ireland's Supreme Court comes highly recommended by Seosamh Gráinséir. Ruadhán Mac Cormaic’s book reads with such ease that you tend to forget that you’re reading an extensively researched chronicle of the cases that have shaped Ireland. Each chapter serves to

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A homeowner who claimed that a Scottish local authority acted beyond its powers in imposing a condition that a property owner required to pay their share of the cost of repairs to a tenement by the time the final account for the works was issued or be liable for the full costs has had his legal chal

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A man has gone on trial in Glasgow Sheriff Court, accused of making death threats against the head of Northern Ireland’s prosecution service, The Herald reports. Gordon Galloway, 50, posted a comment on Facebook under a story about the Director of Public Prosectuions, Barra McGrory QC during his t

961-975 of 2146 Articles