Search: Me/cfs

976-990 of 2146 Articles
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Anyone who wants to understand modern Russia and the collective sense of humiliation felt by the Russian people should read this powerful collection of interviews, mainly with Sovoks, those Russians brought up in the Soviet era and who lived through the transition of the crumbling one-party state in

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The owners of the “Tartan Army” trade mark have failed in a legal bid to prevent another company using the name without its permission. Tartan Army Limited claimed that Alba Football Fans Limited was infringing its rights in terms of section 10 of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and EU Trade Mark Regul

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Border by Kapka Kassabova This is a magical book and one of the very, very few to open up the wild and forgotten lands of ancient Thrace that straddle that corner of Europe where Turkey meets Bulgaria and Greece.

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A worker who was seeking damages from his ex-employers after being injured in an accident at work is now suing his former solicitors for loss caused to him over their failure to raise an action in time. Christopher Brits raised an action against Kilcoyne and Co after they missed the three-year time

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Brenda Mitchell This year’s SLN Annual Review profiles PI lawyer and motorcycle expert Brenda Mitchell who established the UK’s first legal practice devoted to helping her fellow motorcyclists.

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Angela Grahame QC In July 1995, one week after I called to the bar, I went to the High Court in Airdrie to be the Crown junior in a two-week sitting. The Advocate Depute had a separate room, and one morning a very senior criminal silk came along to negotiate a plea for his client. As was the role of

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A former prisoner who claimed that the policy of hand-cuffing him when he was escorted from jail to hospital for medical appointments while he was serving his sentence breached his human rights has had a damages claim dismissed. Easdale Campbell, who was convicted of attempted murder in 1996, argued

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Graham Ogilvy (pictured) eisits Bologna’s famed law school in troubling times.ry The waiter who plonked a carafe of cheap Sangiovese down on our table at the little restaurant off Bologna’s Via Malcontenti spoke flawless English.

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The Aberdeen Law Project (ALP) has announced Dame Anne Begg DBE (pictured right) as a patron and the promotion of third-year law student Sophie Mills to the position of student director. Miss Mills becomes the project’s seventh student director, succeeding Louise Sloan who is graduating and intend

976-990 of 2146 Articles