Search: Me/cfs

1336-1349 of 2146 Articles
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A Bronze Age hoard of national significance has been found by a metal detectorist in the Scottish Borders. A complete horse harness and sword were uncovered at the site near Peebles in what is only the second time this kind of hoard has been found in Scotland.

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Lady Smith is stepping down from her role as president of the Scottish Tribunals after six years, with Lord Woolman set to replace her. Lady Smith was assigned as the first president of the Scottish Tribunals in 2014 by the then Lord President, Lord Gill.

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New laws to make family court proceedings in Scotland more child-friendly have been passed by the Scottish Parliament. The Children (Scotland) Bill will require all children's views to be heard and taken account of in family cases, subject to limited exceptions, removing the presumption that on

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A legal expert has warned against the Scottish government's plan to hand powers currently held by the EU to ministers after the Brexit transition period. Aileen McHarg, professor of public law and human rights at Durham University, has raised concerns over the proposals and recommends that powers sh

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Blackadders LLP has announced the appointment of nine new trainees. Each of the new trainees will go through four seat rotations in different areas of the business for placements of six months so they can learn and develop a range of legal skills.

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Benjamin Bestgen takes an honest look at marriage in his latest jurisprudential primer. See last week's here. During my legal studies, a professor opined that one of the most legally significant things the majority of people will ever do in their lives is to marry and divorce (the other th

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The practice of refusing to rent homes to people on housing benefit has suffered another legal blow after a disabled father won his trial against housing benefit discrimination this week. Supported by Shelter solicitor Rose Arnall, Stephen Tyler was able to successfully prove ‘No DSS’ di

1336-1349 of 2146 Articles