Senior police officer investigated over allegations of gross misconduct
The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) is investigating allegations of misconduct and gross misconduct about a senior officer in Police Scotland.
A number of anonymous allegations, some of which were criminal, about police officers including the senior officer, were sent to the commissioner in October last year.
She referred the criminal allegations to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) as required.
Other allegations of misconduct by the senior police officer were referred by the commissioner to the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) as it requires to carry out an initial assessment.
COPFS has already directed the PIRC to investigate all criminal allegations and in November the SPA referred the allegations of misconduct about the senior officer to the PIRC.
Following its initial assessment the SPA indicated that, if proved, these allegations would amount to gross misconduct and took the decision to suspend the officer.
The commissioner assessed the various allegations and considers that some, if proved, would amount to gross misconduct and others, if proved, would amount to misconduct.
The senior police officer was served with a Notice of Investigation today and informed that he is the subject of a misconduct investigation.
Once the investigations are concluded, the commissioner will submit a report about the criminal allegations to the COPFS and another in relation to the misconduct to the SPA.
In the report provided to the SPA, there will be a summary of evidence and an opinion on whether the misconduct allegations should be referred to a misconduct hearing.