Serial rapist jailed for 10 years after campaign of violent, domestic and sexual abuse

Serial rapist jailed for 10 years after campaign of violent, domestic and sexual abuse

A serial rapist who subjected six women to an extensive campaign of violent, domestic and sexual abuse has been jailed for 10 years.

James Kelly was found guilty of 18 charges on June 17 following a trial at the High Court in Edinburgh. The 43-year-old targeted his victims, including several former partners, in the Edinburgh area over a six-year period.

His offending behaviour also took place during car journeys between the capital, Inverness and Fife. Kelly assaulted one woman to her severe injury by causing her to fall down a set of stairs, punching her on the head and pushing her on the body.

He attempted to force her from a vehicle, kicked her on the body and choked her. The abuser was found guilty of causing the same woman fear, alarm or distress by showing her a video taken of her in an intimate situation, without her consent.

Kelly assaulted a second woman to her injury and danger of her life by violently attacking her on various occasions. This included dragging her by the hair, jumping on her body, striking her with a golf club and choking her.

He also hit her on the body with a crowbar, seized her by the hair and dragged her from a motor vehicle. During a camping trip, Kelly forced the same victim to watch pornographic videos and left her alone during the hours of darkness without transportation.

The abuser acted in an aggressive and threatening manner towards a third woman and made her listen to a recording of him being abusive to an ex-partner. He was convicted of multiple sexual offences including six charges of rape.

At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday, Kelly was imprisoned for 10 years. His name has been added to the sex offenders register for an indefinite period. He was also made subject to a 25-year non-harassment order.

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