Seven jailed for child sexual abuse

Five men and two women have been jailed for serious sexual abuse of children in the Glasgow area.
Iain Owens, 46; Elaine Lannery, 40; Scott Forbes, 51; Barry Watson, 48; Lesley Ann Williams, 43; Paul Brannan, 42, and John Clark, 49 were all given an order for lifelong restriction when they appeared for sentence today with a total minimum of 93 and-a-half years’ imprisonment.
The punishment parts of the sentences, the minimum time they must spend in prison before being considered for release into the community, were set at: 20 years for Owens; 17 years for Lannery; 14 years for Williams; 15 years for Brannan; eight years for Forbes; nine years and six months for Watson; and 10 years for Clark.
The offences included rape and attempted murder.
Katrina Parkes, procurator fiscal for High Court sexual offences, said: “I commend the bravery of the young victims; their strength has resulted in the conviction and sentence of their abusers for these heinous crimes.
“Every child has the right to be heard and to be listened to and COPFS are committed to ensuring that the needs of children in the justice system are fully recognised and met.
“Prosecuting this case has been complex and a challenging task for our experienced prosecutors. Consideration of the trauma these children suffered was utmost while working to secure these convictions.
“COPFS linked in at an early stage with our partners in policing and social work to undertake a thorough investigation and ensure access to recovery, support, and justice for the victims.
“I urge any victims of similar crime to come forward, report it and seek support. They can be assured that prosecutors are committed to the effective prosecution of such crimes.
“We will continue to seek justice and ensure people are safe from crime and those responsible are identified and held accountable.”