Shared Parenting Scotland launches ‘New Ways For Families’ for separating parents

Shared Parenting Scotland launches ‘New Ways For Families’ for separating parents

Ian Maxwell

After a successful pilot during 2022 Shared Parenting Scotland is launching the New Ways For Families programme in Scotland this week.

Shared Parenting Scotland has the exclusive license to offer the programme devised by the High Conflict Institute in California. Scotland will be the first jurisdiction in Europe to have access to the New Ways For Families programme.

The programme teaches separating parents to manage emotions and learn problem solving skills. It helps parents listen to their children’s concerns and understand the damage that prolonged hostility can do to a child’s sense of him/herself.

Parents work through 12 interactive online modules, and receive three one-to-one coaching sessions to practice and explore the skills that they are learning.

Shared Parenting Scotland national manager, Ian Maxwell, said: “Our main aim is on the wellbeing of children by helping their parents understand the damage they may be doing to them by prolonged hostility. But we know from those parents who took part in the pilot that they also benefitted by taking more control of their own emotions. We know from the evaluations of the programme that have been done in the USA and Canada that there will be a public benefit too with more parents able to find their own way to co-operative parenting rather than battling each other in court.”

The programme of training and coaching costs £295, with subsidised places for parents on low income or benefit.

Further details and bookings available here.

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