Shepherd and Wedderburn to host Edinburgh careers fair

To celebrate attaining Investors in Young People status earlier this year, Shepherd and Wedderburn is hosting a mini-careers fair at its Edinburgh premises on Thursday 19 November.

Invited guests include current and future trainees, the firm’s staff aged 24 or younger, as well as work experience and work shadow students, including those who are part of PRIME, an initiative that ensures fair access to quality work experience for school-age students from diverse backgrounds, of which Shepherd and Wedderburn is a member.

At the event, each of the firm’s legal divisions and management services teams will showcase the different types of career opportunities available for young people across the range of legal and non-legal disciplines.

Members of staff from all teams will attend to talk about what life is like as a lawyer or as a Shepherd and Wedderburn employee in a non-legal role.

Young attendees will be able to find out about the different career paths within the firm as well as the recruitment process.

The firm received the “Investor in Young People” accreditation in March this year, recognising its efforts in youth employment, including recruitment, support, development and retention.

Carol Ritchie, Shepherd and Wedderburn’s HR Director said: “We are looking forward to welcoming our young guests to the mini-careers fair.

“The informal setting will provide a great platform to share information on the variety of career paths at Shepherd and Wedderburn.”

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