Sheriff Jack Brown deemed unfit for office

Sheriff Jack Brown deemed unfit for office

A Fitness for Judicial Office Tribunal has found that Sheriff Jack Brown is unfit for judicial office.

His behaviour toward two women amounted to “serious improper conduct”. It also found he acted inappropriate to a lawyer, D, in 2018 and another woman in 2001 or 2002.

D’s solicitor said his client welcomed the news. He added: “She is relieved that this process, which has taken over five years, is finally over and justice has been delivered.”

Sheriff Brown has been suspended since 2018 and has been on full pay.

A tribunal convened earlier found that he had acted “entirely inappropriately” towards D. But a judicial review later rule that the original tribunal had made its decision in “ignorance of the availability of other evidence”.

A fresh tribunal heard the additional evidence. It found that Sheriff Brown touched D on the cheek and said something inappropriate to her. He also hugged her, with his face lingering on her shoulder.

He kissed C on the lips in 2001 or 2002 and, in 2004, squeezed her buttocks.

The tribunal said its findings raised “manifest and serious concerns as to the character and integrity” of Sheriff Brown.

A Scottish government spokesperson said: “The first minister accepts the tribunal’s findings and, following receipt of its report, is considering removal of the sheriff as a judicial office holder, which must be done by an order laid before Parliament. We will update Parliament on this matter as soon as possible.”

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