Sheriff removed from FAI over delays in publishing findings

A sheriff has been removed from a fatal accident inquiry over extreme delays in publishing her findings.
On June 29 2014, Warren Fenty, 20, suffered a drug overdose and died while in Kittybrewster jail.
Sheriff Morag McLaughlin held her last hearing of the FAI into his death in May 2022.
She has since failed to meet four publication deadlines set by the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS). The SCTS said she is now “no longer able to produce the determination” due to “personal health reasons”.
Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle has taken over the FAI and is due to call for participants soon.
Mr Fenty’s mother, Sharon, said: “I’m worried that this will mean going right back to the start with a fresh FAI. It was hard enough going through it the first time. I can’t understand how Sheriff Principal Pyle could make his own determination without having to hear all the evidence again.”
A Judicial Office spokesman said: “Sheriff Principal Pyle, the sheriff principal of Grampian, Highland and Islands, has been monitoring progress of the preparation of Sheriff McLaughlin’s determination in this inquiry over an extended period.
“The sheriff principal has regretfully concluded that, due to personal health reasons, Sheriff McLaughlin is no longer able to produce the determination.
“The sheriff principal will now take personal control of the inquiry and has offered to meet the family of Warren Fenty, if they so wish, to discuss the delay and its consequences.”