Slaughter and May NQ salaries jump to £70,000

Slaugher and May has become the top paying English firm for young lawyers as it increased its newly-qualified solicitors’ (NQs) salaries by £5,000 – from the 2014 figure of £65,000 to £70,000.

The increase is more than double the pay rise given to NQs last year, which saw salaries go from £63,000 to £65,000.

It also marks a new high point for NQ’s salaries at the firm, with the previous peak being £66,000.

Trainees have also benefited this year with a £1,000 boost.

First-years at the firm will now be paid £41,000 while second years will be paid £46,000.

But the greatest increase has been reserved for solicitors at the firm with two years post-qualification experience, with their salaries going up by £8,000 from £79,000 to £87,000 – an increase of ten per cent.

One-year PQEs have been given a 7.8 per cent increase in their salaries, taking them to £75,500 and three-year PQEs an 8.4 per cent jump to £95,500.

Executive partner Richard Clark said: “These salary increases reflect the fact that we recognise the importance of rewarding our lawyers for their hard work and commitment to the firm.”

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