SLCC guides bring clarity to consumers on wills and executries

Neil Stevenson

As Will Aid month comes to an end, the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) has released two new guides for consumers – on making a will and on dealing with executries.

They draw on the SLCC’s knowledge of the commonest occurring issues in wills and executries, taken from the 8,000+ complaints handled by the SLCC since it opened in 2008 – wills and executries is one of the top four business areas for complaints to the SLCC.

The guide on wills covers:

  • Preparing before you meet your solicitor
  • At the meeting, be clear about what you expect
  • Things to consider once your will has been drafted
  • How to complain if you’re not happy
  • The guide on executries covers:

    • Roles and responsibilities
    • Timescales
    • Communication
    • Costs
    • How to complain if you’re not happy
    • SLCC CEO Neil Stevenson said: “These guides are a great resource for consumers. There is so much to think about when making a will, including things people might not consider – such as what is to happen to ‘digital assets’ such as social media when they pass away.

      “While the death of a loved one is always upsetting, understanding more about making wills and how executries work can help avoid extra distress.”

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