SLCC releases new easy read and plain English materials for consumers
The Scottish Legal Complaints Commission (SLCC) has received the “crystal mark” from the Plain English Campaign for a new leaflet entitled How to make a complaint.
The leaflet – for consumers – explains the SLCC’s process and the steps that someone needs to take to make a complaint.
SLCC marketing and special projects officer, Ruth Morgan, said: “We’ve listened to what consumers (and practitioners) have told us and worked hard to explain our process in a way that’s easy to understand. We hope that this is going to be helpful to anyone who finds that they need to use our service.”
The complaints body has also published an easy-read version of the guide. Easy read goes further than plain English in that it is designed primarily for people with learning difficulties or disabilities.
In May, the SLCC explained its privacy process by way of an animated video as part of a drive towards producing more accessible information.
Carol Brennan, chair of the SLCC Consumer Panel, said: “We’re very pleased to see that the SLCC has taken on board some of our earliest recommendations. Many people don’t realise that the average reading age in Scotland is 11 - it’s vital that consumer-facing bodies like the SLCC are producing information that is accessible to anyone who might need it.”
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