SLN Exclusive: SLAB cuts shorthand service’s travel expenses

SLN Exclusive: SLAB cuts shorthand service’s travel expenses

In another blow to access to justice in Scotland, Scottish Legal News has learned that the Scottish Legal Aid Board (SLAB) has withdrawn payment of travel and mileage for shorthand court reporters – a decision which, if not reversed, will deprive legally aided parties outwith the central belt of a shorthand service.

Solicitors for Verbatim Reporters have contacted both the Law Society of Scotland and Verbatim’s MSP, Ruth Davidson.

In a statement, Verbatim Reporters told SLN: “SLAB has paid travel and mileage costs since our business was established in 1988. We are disappointed in SLAB’s decision now to withdraw these payments, which will result in us incurring a loss for attending legally aided court business where travel is a necessary requirement.”

It adds: “Whilst we support the administration of justice we cannot be expected to operate at a loss and have therefore invited SLAB to reconsider its decision.

“If SLAB’s decision is not reversed, it is with regret that we will not be able to provide a shorthand service to legally aided parties outwith the central belt”.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Legal Aid Board told SLN: “We have received a complaint regarding fees paid to shorthand writers and we are in correspondence with solicitors who are instructed in the matter.

“We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible. Until we do it would not be appropriate for us to comment further.”

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