SLN Spotlight: David Wilson

David Wilson

MacRoberts’ partner David Wilson comes under the SLN Spotlight this week.

What has been your best experience as a lawyer?

I work in dispute resolution, and obtaining a good result for my clients is satisfying, especially so when there is a human/situation changing element‎ - eg where you get a result for a company in litigation that brings them back from the brink of a very difficult situation, or that returns a large job to profit for them and retains jobs as a result, or where you obtain a life changing decision for an individual who has been living on their nerves as a result of a dispute.

What has been your worst experience as a lawyer?

During my traineeship I worked with a very small high street firm and undertook various criminal and family law matters for clients living in a very underprivileged area, often in quite desperate circumstances. You do your best to help, but the day after I raised an action for a client against her previously violent, estranged husband, him arriving at the door of my flat to “speak” to me, having found out where I lived, wasn’t great!

Why did you choose the law?

To be honest I slightly fell into law - I was at school in the days when, if you got certain grades in your exams, the standard suggestion from teachers was that you become a lawyer, accountant or doctor, and I thought law sounded interesting. However, I have been very fortunate, in that I have enjoyed it from day one.

Who or what has been the greatest professional influence in your life?

My father was an engineer before he retired. The job market wasn’t always that easy and there were times when he was out of work, but he did whatever he needed to in order to keep the plates spinning, working abroad at times in inhospitable countries for long periods of time. His work ethic and general resiliance has been a big influence on me.

What advice would you give to anyone considering a career in the law?

I would definitely say, if the idea interests you, to go for it. There are so many different areas of practice that most people can find a niche they enjoy. The law has been good to me and my family (my wife is a lawyer too).

What would you want to be if you were not a lawyer?

The next Andy Murray!

How do you relax after work?

With a busy life and two children to taxi around, after work relaxation is less than I would like, but I do manage to fit in quite a bit of tennis. The physio bills get higher as I get older though!

What is your favourite holiday destination and why?

I love Italy - the scenery, the people, the food. ‎But you can’t beat Fife, in my opinion, when it comes to short breaks.

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