SLN’s Graham Ogilvy to reveal secret life and tragedy of Stalin’s Scottish master spy in Edinburgh talk

SLN's Graham Ogilvy to reveal secret life and tragedy of Stalin's Scottish master spy in Edinburgh talk

Pictured: Chairman Mao and Bob Stewart

Newly-opened MI5 files and research in Moscow archives has allowed SLN managing editor Graham Ogilvy to piece together the story of Bob Stewart, who worked with the Cambridge Five spy ring and acted as a Moscow agent for 30 years – even after his own son-in-law and many of his friends were murdered by Stalin’s secret police.

As a secret agent for the Communist International, Stewart worked closely on a personal level with Stalin in the 1920s and had a ceremonial role at Lenin’s funeral. He worked underground in France, Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia and was personally thanked by Mao Tse-tung for his assistance to Chinese communists in the 1920s.

The illustrated talk is free to attend and will be held at the Royal Scots Club, Abercromby Place, Edinburgh on Monday 4 March from 7pm-8.30pm.

Tickets can be reserved here.

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