Speaking up for women and the legal profession
Women lawyers have been much in demand for speaking engagements recently.
The Faculty of Advocates’ International Women’s Day event, “Advocacy”, featured the Vice-Dean Angela Grahame QC, with Anna Poole QC, Claire Mitchell and Maryam Labaki.
On the same evening, the Clerk of Faculty, Dr Kirsty Hood QC, was part of a panel discussion held by Glasgow University Law Society.
The Scottish Young Lawyers’ Association is staging its annual “Women in Law” seminar in Edinburgh today (6pm-8pm) and the panel of “high profile and inspiring women from the Scottish legal community” comprises the Faculty’s Almira Delibegovic-Broome QC, with Joyce Cullen, solicitor advocate, and Laura Murphy, solicitor. Details at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/syla-women-in-law-2018-tickets-43589622735.
The group, Women in Law Scotland, will be debating, “This House believes that quotas are necessary for women to break through the glass ceiling”, at its IWD event in Edinburgh on Wednesday (6pm-9pm), 21 March.
Those offering “some thought-provoking discussion around equality within the Scottish legal profession” are the Clerk of Faculty and Kay Springham QC. Details here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-in-law-scotland-international-womens-day-debate-tickets-43392025717